А́лла Бори́совна Пугачёва [Alla Borisovna Pugacheva] celebrates her День Рожде́ния [Birthday] on April 15th. I have intentionally left out her age because the Prima Donna is ageless, or мо́жет быть [maybe] I simply don’t want her to age. I don’t want to part completely with that era that graced our lives with such amazing artists like Valentina Tolkunova, Bella Akhmadulina, Liudmila Gurchenko, and many others. They have already started to leave the new era marked by the fall of СССР [the USSR] taking our де́тство [childhood], мо́лодость [youth], or зре́лость [adulthood] with them. I feel robbed every time I learn that one of them is gone. It is undeniable that Alla Borisovna Pugacheva явля́ется [is] a big part of that “old world,” remnants of which still live on в сердца́х [in the hearts] of many people.
Alla Pugacheva continued her singing career until 2010. Her но́вые пе́сни [new songs] had also won over the hearts of the Russian speaking people. In 2010, however, she officially announced that she would no longer perform as a певи́ца [singer] saying that her го́лос [voice] had been affected by the number of surgeries she had undergone. Примадо́нна [the Prima Donna] chose to leave сце́ну [the stage] when she could still be remembered for her powerful го́лос [voice] that had touched millions of people.
The very first пе́сня [song] I remember by Alla Borisovna is titled “Миллио́н а́лых роз” [“Million Scarlet Roses”]. I didn’t really know who певи́ца [the singer] was when I heard the song, but I knew I loved it the minute I heard it. I loved the singer’s voice, strong and gentle it penetrated the fibers of my whole being. She sang о любви́ [about love], beautiful like мо́ре [the sea] of million scarlet roses.
Many of her songs’ lyrics are filled with an array of vivid emotions. There is also something sublime and at the same time so revealing in her raspy and soulful voice. When я слу́шаю [I listen to] her songs, I appreciate the naked honesty of her emotions. Not only is she вели́кая певи́ца [a great singer], but she is also an amazing арти́стка [performer]. I empathize with her and I smile with her. I cry and I dream with her. And in the end, я ве́рю [I believe] that it is possible to sell all your possessions just so you can wake someone up to the sea of scarlet roses.
Embracing her new жизнь [life] without the stage, Alla Pugacheva continues to try her hand at many artistic projects. Her most recent endeavor is building a теа́тр [theater]. It is projected to be built в Санкт Петербу́рге [in Saint Petersburg] within the next several years. The theater will be named в честь [after] the Prima Donna herself.
С Днём Рожде́ния, А́лла Бори́совна! [Happy Birthday, Alla Borisovna!] On your day, all that is left is поблагодари́ть [to thank] you for all your songs, for your honesty, and for your undeniable lust for life!
Enjoy one of Alla Pugacheva’s famous songs called “Миллио́н а́лых роз” [“Million Scarlet Roses”]!
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