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Posts tagged with ‘Orthodox Church’

  • Russian priest calls the World Cup a homosexual ignominy

    By Natasha on July 11, 2014
    A Russian Orthodox поп [priest] has denounced Ку́бок ми́ра [the World Cup] as “гомосексуа́льное позо́рище” [а “homosexual ignominy”]. According to priest Алекса́ндр Шу́мский [Alexander Shumsky], brightly colored footwear promotes “педерасти́ческую ра́дугу” [the “gay rainbow”]. “Wearing ро́зовые [pink] or голубы́е [baby blue] бу́тсы [soccer shoes], (the players) might as well wear же́нские трусы́ [women’s panties] or бюстга́льтер [a bra],” Шу́мский [Shumsky] wrote in his online column. Поп [the priest] was also not […]
  • Russian Orthodox Easter: How Russians celebrate Easter

    By Natasha on April 24, 2011
    Па́сха [Easter] is древне́йший [the oldest] and са́мый большо́й [the biggest] пра́здник [holiday] in Russian Orthodox Church. Because Правосла́вная Це́рковь [the Orthodox Church] uses юлиа́нский календа́рь [the Julian calendar], ру́сские христиа́не [Russian Christians] often пра́зднуют [celebrate] Па́сху [Easter] later than the Western Christians. A week or two пе́ред Па́схой [before Easter], мно́гие лю́ди [many people] in Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus do some major spring cleaning. Everything must be clean: ме́бель [furniture] is dusted, полы́ [floors] are […]