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Author archive for Natasha

  • Russian numbers 1 through 10

    By Natasha on April 6, 2011
    Today we are going to learn how счита́ть [to count] to 10 in Russian! Ци́фры [numbers] 1 through 10 are the ABC’s of Russian numbers. Once you memorize the first ten numbers, you’ll easily learn the rest of them. Наприме́р [for example], if you know that 5 is пять and 10 is де́сять in Russian, then it’s easy to see that пятьдеся́т is […]
  • Learn Russian alphabet with us!

    By Natasha on April 4, 2011
    [powerpress]   One of the first steps in learning ру́сский язы́к [Russian language] is to learn its алфави́т [alphabet]. While it may seem daunting to learn a new alphabet, learning ру́сский алфави́т [Russian alphabet] is relatively easy. You will find that some ру́сские бу́квы [Russian letters] look the same as English letters, e.g.: А а, В в, Е е, К к, М м, Н […]
  • Russian salad: Herring under a fur coat

    By Natasha on April 3, 2011
    Whether you travel to Russia or hang out with Russians, it’s inevitable that one day you will be invited to try a dish containing a dreadful ingredient – “HERRING.” While Russians cannot imagine any big holiday without a centerpiece salad called “Сельдь под шубой” (herring under a fur coat), to most Americans, anything that has to do with herring does […]
  • Chicken soup without the chicken

    By Natasha on April 3, 2011
    A bouillon can serve as a great base for many different soups: northern beans soup, mushroom barley soup, vegetable soup, chicken soup, etc. However, you don’t have to cook something so elaborate to enjoy your bouillon! Open your pantry, open your fridge and see what you have. My formula for making a simple soup is easy: bouillon + carbohydrates + […]
  • My mother’s recipe for chicken bouillon

    By Natasha on April 3, 2011
    After you are done reading this post, you will not learn the subtle differences between the stock and its rival. Growing up, I watched my mother make bouillons using chicken or beef (whatever was available). The trick lied in using the meat attached to the bone. So, this is exactly what I still do today – I cook bouillons, and […]
  • Sochi Olympic mascots or “all good things come in three”

    By Natasha on April 3, 2011
    Ahem, ahem … and the 2014 Sochi Olympic mascots are the hare, the white bear, and the leopard that received 16%, 18% and 28% of the votes respectively. Before the symbol contest started, Dmitry Chernyshenko, the president of the Organizing Committee “Sochi 2014,” announced the following: “Our Games will become most innovative; hence, for the first time in the history […]
  • Putin’s direct dialogue: Things in Russia are more liberal than in America

    By Natasha on April 3, 2011
    On December 16th, 2010, Putin held a televised discussion with the Russian citizens. People from various regions in Russia had an opportunity to ask him questions directly. Here are some of the highlights of this dialogue. After the events on Manezhnaya Square on December 11, 2010, Putin stated firmly, “It is necessary to suppress displays of extremism from every corner.” […]