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Russian Language 101

  • Formal and informal ways of speaking in Russian

    By Natasha on April 4, 2015
    It is important to understand that there are two manners of speaking в ру́сском языке́ [in Russian language]: formal and informal. Formal: Grammatically, formal simply means using a plural form of the pronoun you – вы to refer to a singular individual. Semantically, depending on a situation, a formal way of speaking can basically mean три ве́щи [three things]: уваже́ние […]
  • Learn months in Russian with us!

    By Natasha on April 2, 2015
    Learning назва́ния [names] of the months in Russian language is легко́ [easy]! Since they are based on the Latin names, Russian ме́сяцы [months] are easily recognizable when they are written or pronounced. Basically, say the months по-англи́йски [in English] with a heavy Russian accent, and you are good to go! Шу́тка! [Kidding]! Since the names are very close, it is ва́жно […]
  • Russian numbers 11 through 20

    By Natasha on March 30, 2015
    Today we are going to learn how to count from 11 to 20 in Russian! We will be using our basic building blocks, numbers 1 through 10, to memorize the new ци́фры [numbers]. You will see how easy it is to learn ци́фры [numbers] 11 through 20 now that you know how счита́ть [to count] to 10 по-ру́сски [in Russian]! […]
  • Learn more about Russian cursive with us!

    By Natasha on September 11, 2014
    Watch our video and learn about Russian cursive with us! Every child in Russia learns how to write in cursive. They complete a lot of practice sheets to perfect their writing. Here is one of the practice sheets: The result that school children strive to achieve looks like this: However, when kids grow up, they all develop their own writing […]
  • Learn Russian alphabet vocabulary with us!

    By Natasha on May 24, 2011
    Now that you know ру́сский алфави́т [Russian alphabet], let’s learn слова́ алфави́та [the alphabet words] used in the image above. Click on the audio player below, listen, and repeat after me. Try reading these words spelled in Russian below as you listen to me. [powerpress] As you can see, there are no words в ру́сском языке́ [in Russian language] that begin […]
  • Learn days of the week in Russian

    By Natasha on April 16, 2011
    Ру́сская неде́ля [Russian week] begins on a Monday and ends on a Sunday. Дни неде́ли [days of the week] are not capitalized in Russian language. First, let’s take a look at the literal meaning of each day of the week in Russian: Понеде́льник (по + неде́ля + ник): The prefix по means “after” and the word неде́ля means “week.” So понеде́льник can […]
  • Russian numbers 1 through 10

    By Natasha on April 6, 2011
    Today we are going to learn how счита́ть [to count] to 10 in Russian! Ци́фры [numbers] 1 through 10 are the ABC’s of Russian numbers. Once you memorize the first ten numbers, you’ll easily learn the rest of them. Наприме́р [for example], if you know that 5 is пять and 10 is де́сять in Russian, then it’s easy to see that пятьдеся́т is […]
  • Learn Russian alphabet with us!

    By Natasha on April 4, 2011
    [powerpress]   One of the first steps in learning ру́сский язы́к [Russian language] is to learn its алфави́т [alphabet]. While it may seem daunting to learn a new alphabet, learning ру́сский алфави́т [Russian alphabet] is relatively easy. You will find that some ру́сские бу́квы [Russian letters] look the same as English letters, e.g.: А а, В в, Е е, К к, М м, Н […]